Thursday’s Hope . . .
Resting in God’s Gift of Hope
“Be still, and know that I am God!” . . . Psalm 46:10a
Thoughts for today & tomorrow . . .
“Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
for my hope is in him” . . . Psalm 62:5
Are you ready to face the holidays?
Shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking and cooking?
Gatherings, running, lack of sleep?
Christmas Eve? . . . Christmas morning? . . . A New Year?
Or, are you dreading every part of it?
It is easy to stress out, feel rushed, tired, hurt, angry . . . but life is not a race, and neither are the holidays . . .
even if it may feel that way.
Once in a while . . . just a few minutes a day . . . you need to “pause” long enough to catch your body up with
your mind . . . long enough to breath in and out and relax just a little.
Make time for God . . . to appreciate the true reason to celebrate Christmas . . . and take time to breathe,
slow down, and rest so that you are refreshed and ready to face the next hour, day, or week with the help of God
and the Light of Christ in your heart.
Reflections of Hope . . .
“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful,
and endures through every circumstance” . . . 1 Corinthians 13:7
Find a small stone, rock, or marble, rub it with your thumb, and “remember”—joys, smiles, warm hugs, love—take it with you and every time you need to “pause” let this stone be your reminder! The season is about the love of God, the gift of The Light. Hold onto that hope!!
“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,
who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and
a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you
in every good thing you do and say” . . . 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
Remember to pray . . .
“Rejoice in our confident hope.
Be patient in trouble and keep on praying” . . . Romans 12:12
Ask God to help you linger for a bit . . . Remember to practice the “pause”—slow down, take a deep breath,
and open your eyes and heart—and in the “pause,” pray.
What is your heart longing for during the holidays? . . . for the New Year?
Have you considered talking with God about the upcoming holiday season . . . about your hopes? . . . yours fears?
. . . your dreams?
As we’ve said before . . . the holidays do not have to be perfect—accept that!
Remember, Christ’s birth and the new beginning He brings us is what is important.
Resting in God’s gift of Hope through the Kaleidoscope . . .
Get out of your head and back into your heart! Pick up the kaleidoscope and see the patterns fall gently
like snow as you slowly turn the view. (*or follow the link below).
Life is a journey, and with a little effort, or re-focus, you can find hope in that trek through the holidays.
Remember . . . You are not alone!
Rest in God’s gift of The Light . . . Choose hope!